On January 10, 2025, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi appeared virtually before a Pune court in connection with a defamation case filed by Satyaki Savarkar, the grandnephew of Vinayak Damodar Savarkar. The case pertains to alleged derogatory remarks made by Gandhi about the Hindutva ideologue during a speech in London in 2023. The complaint alleges that Gandhi claimed Savarkar wrote about beating up a Muslim man and feeling "happy" about it, which Satyaki Savarkar denies as false.
During the hearing, the court granted Gandhi bail on a surety bond of ₹25,000, with Congress leader Mohan Joshi from Pune standing as surety. The court had previously exempted Gandhi from personal appearance due to his parliamentary commitments but had directed him to appear on January 10.
The court has scheduled the next hearing for February 18, 2025, where further proceedings will continue.
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